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Your Birth-Write

A great deal of attention is paid in critical circles to the concept of having “a voice” in writing. It is my belief that all of us have a voice in writing because all of us have a voice. Working to have a “unique” voice is another concept that gets a great deal of play. […]

“Too Much” Creativity?

I often have students who ask how to cope with “too much” creativity. Often, when we begin a creative recovery, the “backlog” of creative energy and ideas can feel overwhelming as we unblock the channel and experience the intense rushing in of the creative dreams that have been waiting for us. When a student tells […]

It’s Raining Outside

The other day I was teaching my class in Santa Fe. It is an ongoing, twelve-week class, and over the course of the three months, I get to know my students well. One man in the front row had consistently talked about how the benefits of walking had helped him immensely. As the course progressed, […]

The Basic Principles of the Artist’s Way

Perhaps you’re a longtime student of the Artist’s Way, or perhaps you are taking your first step in the path to higher creativity. With any pursuit, fundamentals are key. So is steady, supportive guidance. As you embark on your spiritual exploration for the first time, or once again, return always to the basic principles of […]