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Ego, Fear and Humility

It is the ego’s dicey proposition that as artists we should always be “special” and different. The ego likes to be set apart. It likes to look down its nose at the rest of humanity. Such isolation is actually damaging. It is like the reverse of the Midas touch turning everything golden into a problem. […]

Begin at the Beginning

I’ll begin at the beginning, with a blank notebook whose pages beg, “Fill me.” It’s four o’clock in the afternoon on a bright spring day. I have taken Lily for an extra long walk, and now I am settled in my leather writing chair and I am— yes— writing. It feels good to put pen […]


Last weekend I had a play open in Albuquerque, New Mexico. To my delight, audiences loved the play. For myself, I found myself both comfortable and excited to step forward as a playwright. For two decades, ever since the publication of The Artist’s Way in 1992, I had achieved recognition as a “helper,” a support […]

What to do with Morning Pages?

I say that Morning Pages are a form of meditation. And just as we cannot repeat a meditation, we do not need to review our Morning Pages. I often joke, “First cremate the pages, then worry about the body.” I have had people burn, shred, and bury their Morning Pages. Speaking for myself, I saved […]

Staying Stuck

As blocked creatives, we often sit on the sidelines, critiquing those in the game. “He’s not so talented,” we may say, and we may be right about that. All too often, it is audacity and not talent that moves an artist to center stage. As blocked creatives, we tend to regard these bogus spotlight-grabbers with […]

God’s Timing

In a dark time, the eye begins to see. -Theodore Roethke My plans and agendas are expanded and corrected by the Universe. My life is blessed by grace, which acts with its own timing. In times of frustration, in times of fear, as loss and difficulty surround me, I release my plans and outcomes to […]


We can learn from our experiences– the traumatic ones as well as the joyful ones. We can learn to protect ourselves, to fill our lives with people whose values match our own, who bring compassion and humor and kindness with them, who accept our gifts in return. from The Prosperous Heart

The Choice is Ours

All change can be expansive in potential. The choice is ours. As I open my heart to accept change, my heart softens and grows larger. Every experience carries the seed of transformation. Every event can bring blossoming and wealth. My personal will can resist change or embrace it. The choice is mine, and determines the […]

I Voice the Universe in an Original Way

I bring to life a unique and powerful voice. My insights and perceptions are important blessings. Voicing my insights and perceptions is important to the world. I am an irreplaceable individual whose gifts benefit all. Owning my gifts, inhabiting and expanding them are my gifts to the world and those with whom I share it. […]

Prosperity Prayer

Oh, Great Creator, I prosper through you, drawing my abundance from your infinite stores. You know my needs and you provide for them. You know my dreams, and you bring me fulfillment. I rely on you as my source. You are the rock on which I build my life. I trust you to supply me […]