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Immerse Yourself in Affirmation

In working with affirmations, we are working with the power of our subconscious minds. We are seeking an agreement between our conscious and subconscious selves. We strive to be positive, and when the negatives emerge, we must uproot them like weeds in our garden. It takes a certain amount of daring to try working with […]

Nietzsche Had it Right: All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking

From the process of creative self-discovery one emerges an artist. More often than not, our internal spiritual restoration is accompanied by a physical transformation.  Weight loss is a frequent by-product of creative recovery. Overeating blocks our creativity. In my book, The Writing Diet–born from over 25 years of experience at the front of a classroom […]

A Writer’s Place

Place is the most pivotal fact of connection. The attention to detail and precision, the ability to be specific, the willingness to offer context–all of these make for writing that welcomes connection with a reader. And connection with the writer. By identifying and branding our experience, with exactness and with truth, we claim it as […]

Inspiration from Piero Ferrucci

“How often – even before we began – have we declared a task ‘impossible’? And how often have we construed a picture of ourselves as being inadequate? … A great deal depends upon the thought patterns we choose, and on the persistence with which we affirm them.” –Inevitable Grace

How Do I…Morning Pages? Part II

Dear Friends, Since my first post about morning pages sparked some conversation–and more questions–I’m sharing them–with answers–here. I hope you find this helpful And of course, whenever or however you do, just be sure to keep doing them! Always, Julia   Q: Can I listen to music while I write my morning pages? A: It’s […]

Morning Pages in Song

Inspiration is all around us. Have you ever noticed how the Beatles’ song “Across the Universe” can be heard as a lyrical meditation on Morning Pages and the creative energy in the universe? Jai guru deva, om. Some translate it as “I give thanks to Guru Dev (heavenly teacher).” Others as “Victory to the God […]

How Do I…Morning Pages?

I’ve received a number of questions about morning pages recently, and I thought it might be helpful to share, and answer, some of the most common here. For many of your questions, there are no definitive answer because the execution of Morning Pages is a highly personal process. But I do have specific guidelines. Many […]

Be Available

Writing is an activity best embedded in life, not one pursued while divorced from life. I look at interruptions as interventions. I try to channel spiritual information, rather than inventing it. When I allow writing to become a more fluid process, I feel less that I am charged with self-consciously guarding it, and instead challenge […]

Food for thought

Our lives are built of days. Each day, well-lived, builds upon the next. Starting with the daily routine of Morning Pages, we begin to view life in daily increments. ‘What can I do today, just today?’ we ask ourselves. Just for today we can manage to eat well. Just for today we can manage some […]

Moody Blues

We often make the mistake of thinking that we “have” to be in the “right” mood to write. The truth is, any mood can be used for writing. Any mood is a good writing mood. The trick is to simply enter whatever mood like a room and sit down and write from there. Try this brief […]