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Beating the Blues

I believe that what is really painful is not practicing our creativity. It, to me, smacks of unrequited love: the wishing, the yearning, and the inability to engage. A great way to experiment with this is the next time “the blues” strike, try making something. Anything. A pot of chili, a cabinet, a wild paint […]

Positivity vs Negativity

Listing the many ways that God has helped us to prosper leads to an ongoing belief in prosperity. Focusing on the positive, we come to expect further positives. Conversely, if we focus on the negative, we will find ourselves anticipating negativity. The choice is up to us which way we want to view our reality. […]

Week 7: Dear God, It’s Me Julia

Before you fall asleep tonight, write a prayer. It does not need to be long or formal. It can be as simple as a letter to God, the Universe or a Higher Power. Reach out as you would to a trusted friend. When you wake up tomorrow morning, notice how you feel. Do you have […]