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A Powerful Prayer

As the new moon rises over the mountains in Santa Fe, I have a new favorite prayer. Its author is Ernest Holmes. Here is the prayer he suggests: Today and every day I expect good. I anticipate meeting new friends. I joyously anticipate contacting new situations, which will increase my livingness. My life is an […]

Prosperity Prayer

Oh, Great Creator, I prosper through you, drawing my abundance from your infinite stores. You know my needs and you provide for them. You know my dreams, and you bring me fulfillment. I rely on you as my source. You are the rock on which I build my life. I trust you to supply me […]

See the Beauty that Surrounds You

You turn a blind eye on the beauty that surrounds you. You are focused on harsh, unpleasant things. You call your focus realism. You cling to it like a barnacle to a rock. Listen to me. Allow my voice to reach your stubborn ears. This earth is beautiful. There is at least as much beauty […]