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FAQs: An Interview with Julia

- What made you write The Artist’s Way?
JC: I had a profound desire to help other people. I shared the tools from my own spiritual practice.

- Is this book meant for all artists?
JC: I believe the tools of The Artist's Way will help all artists, whether they are just beginning or much further down the trail. I think of the book as a support kit that makes practicing creativity easy and accessible.

- Are the morning pages is the most important exercise from the book?
JC: Morning Pages are the bedrock tool of creative discovery and recovery. Practiced by many over the past decades, they have proven themselves to be both friendly and practical.

- Do you still do the books’ exercises?
JC: Yes. I have found the tools to be useful to me throughout my years as an artist.

- When did you feel blocked and why?
JC: I find there's a sticking point about two-thirds of the way through many projects. I call this sticking point "The Wall." When I encounter The Wall-- and I do-- I use the tool "Blasting through Blocks" as well as increased Artist Dates.

- How would you define creativity?
JC: I don't define creativity. I believe it is a spiritual fact of our very human DNA. We are all creative, and through the use of a few simple tools, we can become more creative in all arenas of our life.

- Does everybody have a creative mind?
JC: To reiterate, I believe we are all creative, and with simple practices, we can become more creative. I have yet to encounter a truly non-creative human.

- How do you feel when someone tells you that you have changed her/his life?
JC: I am delighted when people share their successes. I never tire of the stories. To me, teaching creativity is like planting a garden. Each bloom is beautiful.

- Do critics block creativity?
JC: I think that depends on the critic. In times past, critics believed in the sacredness of art, and they felt their job was to nurture, support and guide the creative unfolding. Nowadays, critics may feel it is their job to find fault. They are focusing on weaknesses rather than encouraging strengths.

- Do you consider art therapeutic?
JC: Art is profoundly therapeutic. When we create, we heal. But I do not think of art as therapy, although many report miracles of healing.

- What is the connection between creativity and spirituality?
JC: The connection between creativity and spirituality is profound. If you work on your spirituality, you will increase your creativity. If you work on your creativity, you will increase your spirituality.