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Week 3: Synchronicity

Week 7: Jealousy

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Week 2: Introduction

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Week 2: Tyrants and Rebels

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Week 6: Abundance

Welcome to Week 6 of The Artist’s Way online course. In the videos for this week, Julia explains some key concepts for the Artist’s Way course and shares anecdotes about her experiences with the creativity tools. Key concepts include: God’s will, abundance, luxury, money and a counting exercise. After watching the introduction above, you can move […]

Week 12: Escape Velocity

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Week 12: Introduction

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Week 12: Escape Velocity

Welcome to Week 12 of The Artist’s Way online course. In the videos for this week, Julia explains some key concepts for the Artist’s Way course and shares anecdotes about her experiences with the creativity tools. Concepts in this week include: escape velocity and a final prayer. Click below to return to the introduction.

Week 12: Faith

Welcome to Week 12 of The Artist’s Way online course. In the videos for this week, Julia explains some key concepts for the Artist’s Way course and shares anecdotes about her experiences with the creativity tools. Concepts in this week include: escape velocity and a final prayer. After watching the introduction above, you can move […]

Week 9: Blasting through Blocks

Welcome to Week 9 of The Artist’s Way online course. In the videos for this week, Julia explains some key concepts for the Artist’s Way course and shares anecdotes about her experiences with the creativity tools. Key concepts this week include: enthusiasm, creative U-turns and Blasting through Blocks. After watching Blasting through Blocks  above, you […]