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A book is finished…now what? Or, “the post-project blues”

Yesterday, I finished a project. I put the final touches on a book and emailed it to my editor. For myself, I like the book, but I am always nervous until it is read and accepted. My editor promised she’d read quickly, but in the meanwhile, I have stepped off the cliff and into space. […]


I love integrity. I am authentic in my responses to people and events. I respond with dignity and courage from a core belief that I am worthy. My values are worthwhile. My principles are shaped by my inner knowing, not by my external circumstances. I bring to the changing flow of life events an inner […]

The Natural World

The natural world is my home and my haven. I cherish the natural world. I see it in the wisdom of God’s unfolding. I surrender my resistance to unfolding fully and beautifully. I embrace the mystery of my own evolution. I invite my divine nature to expand and nurture myself and others. -from Prayers to […]

Spirit is With Us

Our cities are not soulless. They are cathedrals. The high spires of man’s endeavors reach toward God. Do not feel lost among the multitudes. My eye is always upon you. The crowded city street is still in my safekeeping. Each face is known to me. Each face is beloved. You worry that your prayer goes […]

Is everyone creative?

Yes. I believe that everyone is creative. Whether you declare yourself an artist or not, you make creative choices every day. You are handcrafting a unique life whether you feel you are “artistic” or not. I have been teaching for 30 years. I have never met anyone who was totally not creative. I think if […]

Self-permission over Discipline

Practicing our art is more comfortable than not practicing our art. Practicing our art is more fun than not practicing our art. Something more comfortable and more fun does not take “discipline.” It takes permission, self-permission. I don’t write to be hard on myself. I write to be easy on myself. I write because it […]

“thinking” about your Morning Pages?

Sometimes my students ask me how much they should “think” about what they are going to write in their Morning Pages. I don’t want you to pause and have a mental cigarette and strategize about what you’re going to write. It’s better to just say “here goes” and go right into writing. One thing that’s […]

When the student is ready…

It is an often repeated spiritual axiom that “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.” Over the years, I have heard many stories of miraculous intersections and meetings. The divine mind knows no distance. When we ask to be led, we are led. When we ask to be guided, we are guided. When we […]

Have you tried Media Deprivation?

Media Deprivation, a tool I first introduced in The Artist’s Way as Reading Deprivation, is a conscious unplugging. In the twenty years since The Artist’s Way was published, I expanded the term to “Media Deprivation” to include the many devices and distractions now available to us on a constant basis. Media Deprivation is one of the most […]

Filling the Well

Art is an image-using system. In order to create, we draw from our inner well. This inner well, an artistic reservoir, is ideally like a well-stocked trout pond. We’ve got big fish, little fish, fat fish, skinny fish– an abundance of artistic fish to fry. As artists, we must realize that we have to maintain […]