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Finding Water: The Art of Perseverance

Published: December 2006 | ISBN: 9781585424634

This powerful new installment in Julia Cameron’s groundbreaking body of work on the creative process will guide readers to discover enduring inspiration—it will lead them to water.

Finding Water completes Julia Cameron’s bestselling trilogy on the creative process, beginning with The Artist’s Way and Walking in This World to offer guidance on weathering the periods in an artist’s life when inspiration appears to have run dry. This book offers advice and wisdom about tackling the most challenging issues an artist faces, such as:

- making the decision to begin a new project;
- persevering when a new approach to your art does not bear immediate fruit;
- staying focused when other parts of your life threaten to distract you from your art; and
- spotting possibilities for artistic inspiration in the most unlikely places.

This powerful new installment in Cameron's groundbreaking body of work on the creative process will guide readers to discover enduring inspiration-it will lead them to water.

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | PenguinPowells | BAMM | IndieBound