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Writing By Hand

In the advent of more and more technology, Morning Pages remain the same: they need always be done by hand. Hand-writing puts us in touch with our emotions. We learn how we feel about what we say. Writing by computer is a more shallow practice. It yields us speed and distance, but not the depth […]

God is Extravagant

What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us. How do we get to this place? It begins with getting […]


One of the bedrock tools of The Prosperous Heart, my new course on money and prosperity, is a tool called Counting. Counting is very simple: record every penny in and every penny out. To begin, purchase a small notebook that you can carry with you everywhere— and every time you spend money– or earn money– […]

Prosperity Prayer

Oh, Great Creator, I prosper through you, drawing my abundance from your infinite stores. You know my needs and you provide for them. You know my dreams, and you bring me fulfillment. I rely on you as my source. You are the rock on which I build my life. I trust you to supply me […]

The Basic Principles of the Artist’s Way

Perhaps you’re a longtime student of the Artist’s Way, or perhaps you are taking your first step in the path to higher creativity. With any pursuit, fundamentals are key. So is steady, supportive guidance. As you embark on your spiritual exploration for the first time, or once again, return always to the basic principles of […]