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It’s not the answer that enlightens, but the question. -Eugene Ionesco Problems bear the seeds of their solutions. Beset by worry or anxiety, unable to clearly see my way, I remind myself my soul is connected to all wisdom. I will be led because I am led firmly and certainly whenever I turn within for […]

Conscious Optimism

Fortunately, psychoanalysis is not the only way to resolve inner conflicts. Life itself still remains a very effective therapist. -Karen Horney In daily life, there is an inner transition I can consciously practice. This is the transition from fear to faith. Faced with ambiguity and uncertainty, I can choose to believe things will work out […]


Anything you do can be done artfully. Anything. Your current sculpture or painting. The soup you make for dinner. Your choice of kitchen-curtain material. Every choice is a creative choice. All of life is an art form, and all of art is a fine art. What can you artfully today?

Julia Cameron in New York, NY on 12/27/12

Julia Cameron in Stockbridge, MA on 03/09/12