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Prosperity is Free

Setting aside your skepticism for a moment, make a list of ten actions you could take, right now, that you suspect might make you feel more prosperous– and that cost nothing. Example: 1. Taking a walk in nature 2. Going for a run and taking a long, hot shower afterward 3. Cooking soup using leftovers I […]

Unlimited Supply

The power of the word is real, whether or not you are conscious of it. Your own words are the bricks and mortar of the dreams you want to realize. Behind every word flows energy. -Sonia Choquette The Universe responds to my dreams and needs. There is a unity flowing through all things. This unity […]


We know how to sacrifice ten years for a diploma, and we are willing to work very hard to get a job, a car, a house and so on. But we have difficulty remembering that we are alive in the present moment– the only moment there is for us to be alive. Every breath we […]


Let the great world spin forever down the ringing grooves of change. -Lord Tennyson The world is a forest of verdant possibility. No one person controls my happiness. No one person is the source of my joy. I am rooted in universal flow. My needs for love and affection are met by many sources. I […]

Negative Beliefs

Much of our fear of our own creativity is the fear of the unknown. If I am fully creative, what will it mean? What will happen to me and to others? We have some pretty awful notions about what could happen. So, rather than find out, we decide to stay blocked. This is seldom a conscious […]

The Magic Number

A number isn’t magic. A number is just a number. However, we believe– with all of our beings– that a magic number exists, and that getting to it will solve all of our problems. “Once I have an income of two thousand dollars a week, everything will be okay,” we tell ourselves. Or, “Once I […]


We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. -Nelson Mandela Creativity is my birthright. I am a natural creator. Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy– pure creative energy. It is my birthright to co-create my life and my experience. My dreams come from God. The power to […]


I have been warned that artists’ autobiographies are self-serving, but I’ve seldom found them this way. Artists tend to be truthful where art is concerned. I am thinking now of a favorite book of mine, Musical Stages by Richard Rodgers. From this book we learn that although he fought both depression and cancer, Rodgers strove to […]


Walking on my treadmill daily, I have made a practice of reading while I walk. I am currently reading my own memoir, Floor Sample. I’m hoping to see what I can learn from reviewing my life as one long, narrative thread. I’m currently in a sad section– my divorce from Mark Bryan. It strikes me […]

Still Playing

After a year of standing silent, my piano is joyously back in use. I have learned to play Ode to Joy and Good King Wenceslas. My dog particularly likes the Beethoven. I can practically hear her thinking “It’s about time you started to play!” I try not to measure my performance against my brother Christopher’s […]